Monday, March 5, 2012

No Offense...

My last post caused some discussion back and forth, which then caused me some personal introspective thought. And you know, I think the main reason that it really set me off was confusion and disbelief. Really, I just could not imagine someone taking offense at the fact that there was a book in their field of vision with the word SLUT on it. Like, literally, this never occurred to me.

And I came to realize that...well, maybe that's my fault. But then again, I don't think I've ever really taken offense at anything that wasn't actually a personal attack against me or someone I know. Further, it seems that I may be nearly alone in this viewpoint. It works like this: One of my coworkers is highly Christian. Brings a bible to work with her, writes a psalm and "God Bless" on the back of every guest check, etc. I pointed out to the manager that some could take offense at it and complain, just because I've heard it happens. Via hearsay, I know some people might. Logically, personally, I can't imagine why anyone would. It's written on the back of the check, easy to turn over and ignore, and it's like it says, "God Bless, and you're a fucking dumbass if you don't share my views." Nope, just..."God Bless". It's her viewpoint, and she expresses it rather innocuously.

I just cannot fathom the thought processes that would lead to someone being offended by my book, or a "God Bless" on a check, or any number of other things. It just seems like a waste of energy, time, and thought that could be spent on any number of more constructive and/or fun things. Or do they really think that my book visible means I'm, like, just using it as a distraction so I can fuck their daughter across the table, or something? It...Makes...No...Sense...! People are stupid...

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