Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Myth...

No matter how much I hear people talking about and clamoring for world peace, I just can't help but shake my head. It's one thing to hope, but...Logically, I just don't see it happening. At least, not until and unless some other threat, outside of humanity, appears from somewhere. Mostly it is just my general lack of confidence in humanity, but let's think about this logically.

Let's imagine that world peace does occur. For one shining moment, all of the peoples and the nations put aside all of their differences, hugging in mutual affection for peace, love, and granola. There are celebrations and parades. Weapons are locked away into deep storage, or destroyed entirely...


Except for one cache of them, retained by some aspiring despot or radical group. And then as everyone else is celebrating, this armed group marches through and conquers. Deaths occur, blood fills the streets. And someone else finds, unlocks, or builds new weapons to fight them, and these groups do battle. And someone else decides that their battle is unfair, and joins in to stop the fighting. And another group decides to take advantage of the chaos to seize something else entirely. Etc., etc., ad infinitum. All started from just one element breaking the peace.

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