Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yeah, kind of a random thought thread. Was pndering some things to do with one of my game designs earlier, things to add. Decided to add the trait "Midget" to one. Or maybe "Dwarf". And then the thought occurred to me that some might take offense. This was followed by not caring.

I support the right of any disadvantaged group to choose how they are called. I don't really have problems with that. However, I will call a midget a midget until they think of something to call themselves that doesn't make me giggle from irony. Because I see all these TV show titles focusing on them, and I can really only think the same thing: Any midget coming up me and getting upset, insisting that the term is "Little Person/People", will cause me to squat down to his level and look at him with a very serious look. I will then, in a slight Irish accent, AS IS MY ANCESTRY, say to this person, "So, you're insistin' you're one of the little people, eh? Well, my ancestors and my people have known about you for many centuries. I'm just wonderin', which type are you? Leprechaun? Elf, maybe? You're not quite big big and vicious enough to be a red cap. Your eyes are a bit big, maye you're a boggart? Naiad? Selkie?

"Or maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't choose to go by a title that has, for a couple thousand years, meant and included every other word that fucking offends you. Because if you're going to be dumb enough to use a term from my ancestors, I'm gonna include all the rest that go with it, pixie."