Monday, February 22, 2010

On Top Of That Mountain

Yeah, I added a country song to the playlist. Not my usual run of music, but with one of my jobs being Waffle House, I have to listen to a lot of it. And this one, "Find Out Who Your Friends Are" by Tracy Lawrence, struck me.

"Everybody wants to slap your back/wants to shake your hand/when you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way then you slide back down look up/and see who's around then
This ain't where the road comes to an end/This ain't where the bandwagon stops
This is just one of those times when/A lot of folks jump off"

Maybe it's just a matter of how a person was raised, though I think it more a matter of standards and honor, but this is why I, honestly, refer to many more people as 'acquaintances' than I do as 'friends'. There's also the term some people like to use, 'fair weather friends'. This is a misnomer. Friendship is, or at least should be, a shared gift. If they're only around for the good times, they're not a friend. I don't expect people to go to quite the lengths I do (let's be honest, I know that I have some codepency issues, and quite possibly some martyr/savior complex). But I'd hate to think that I am in a minority of one for feeling contempt for those who walk around from a true friend when they're low.

I have some who will likely learn my views on this harshly. People who, when I was at my lowest, criticized me for it, turned their backs on me, and then had the unmitigated gall to tell me they'd love to see me again when I'm better. I was even so low that my first thoughts turned to ways to get better faster, to have them back. It makes me appreciate even more the ones who constructively criticised, and prodded me, and stuck it out. Because I have no doubt that the ones who left will see me again, smiling and having a great time, and will actually come to me smiling and asking how I'm doing. And my smile will disappear as I tell them I'm doing wonderfully, but since they walked away when I was low, then they should do us both a favor and just keep fucking walking.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GA State Patrol

So, I was arrested on November 30th, Thanksgiving weekend. Not a big charge, just driving on suspended license. But I spent 5-6 hours in jail, had to spend almost $250 to get out and get my car back. Had to get my mother to come up and bond me out, and to drive me to the other end of the county to get my car out of impound (about an hour drive). So, I call the Department of Driver's Services the very next day, to figure out what's going on, and how to get the license reinstated. They tell me: No, my license isn't suspended, all that's on it is two notes that I can't get a CDL. They recommend that I come in and get an MVR to prove it. I do, that very next day, and go ahead and get my license redone with my new address (haing recently moved) while I'm there. Then I go to court for the ticket. And the prosecutors/solicitors have already dismissed the case or decided not to pursue it or whatever, because they already discovered that my license wasn't suspended. So I then call the GSP to try to get back my money.

I am told by the GSP...that they are still in the right. The lieutenant I spoke to supposedly watched the video and everything. And I hereby call him either a liar or a fool. Now, I did not present my license to the arresting officer, but I did explain to said officer that it was with my other documents in the boxes in the car, for my move, and I OFFERED TO DIG THROUGH AND GET IT! The officer refused, said it wasn't necessary. GSP Lieutenant Brown says that my arrest is still valid, because I could've been arrested for not presenting that license. So, if the GSP pulls you over in GA, you apparently have to force your license on them; if they refuse to see it, it's your fault. Ladies, if you keep your license in your purse, you're fucked.

So, I do the responsible thing and get my license updated with new address, and that counts against me. I offer to get my license out from where I had it packed with my other documents, to keep them all safe...and the OFFICER'S refusal to let me is somehow MY fault.

Before I spoke to the lieutenant, I was also told to speak to the legal department. When I did, I was interrupted and told that they weren't responsible for that money, because none of it was paid to the GSP. I find that to be a rather interesting precedent. So, if someone were to bash in their windshields, that person would not be responsible for the repair costs. Because, of course, none of that money was paid to them. Therefore, it's the mechanic's responsibility.

And what makes this even more lovely, is the fact that each person I spoke to jumped so quickly to a position of high defense and self-righteousness that I was interrupted often, and gave up on going through several of these points with the actual people. So, when Lt. Brown told me the part about me having my license remade with my new address (or 'reissued' as he called it), like I'm legally supposed to do after having moved, I had given up by that time on having him hear me. The GSP is incompetent, ignorant, and will defend their position with lies and/or further ignorance. As well as with defenses that, last I heard, are not legal ("well, maybe you shouldn't have been arrested for that, but we could have aressted you for this, instead.") All compounded by an assumption of guilt, necessitating proof of innocence; I had always thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New dress code

So, one of my jobs, DialAmerica, has decided to change their dress codes. Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, normally. However, the changes involve now making it a termination have piercings and tattoos that people were HIRED WITH. People who have been with the company for months, years, now find themselves forced to make a choice between removing these piercings and adornments or losing their job. And I acknowledge, yes, it's their choice. But it is not a choice that they should be forced to make. Because these things were fine when the person was hired.

If they had an issue with these, it should have been a rule before hiring. Because it is NOT RIGHT to have someone come in to an interview, see that they have 2 or more facial piercings, tattoos running from their hands to the base of their jaw, or whatever, and tell the person that they are perfectly acceptable. Then let them get established, start doing well, let them train others because of how GOOD THEY ARE at their job. And then kick their legs out from under them by telling them that they are no longer acceptable, and FORCE them to make that choice after they have become established. Particularly at a call center environment, where the customers will never see these employees, employees that tend to post superb sales figures for their employers. I could've sworn that always taught that people who work hard and did well at their jobs...were rewarded.

And the odd part is, this rule would apply to roughly half of the sales floor employees. Thus, if these employees decided to push back some, and counter these strong-arm tactics, DialAmerica would be harming itself, as well. All these employers have to realize is that if DialAmerica actually enforced this rule to the letter, they would have to fire half their workforce. Yes, they can replace those people, but it would take time and money to find and hire new workers, plus the 2+ weeks put into training before those people are productive, and even more time before the new ones reached the levels of the experienced ones. There have been rumors of the company trying to woo new clients. I doubt those clients would be very impressed to see that DialAmerica has to abandon calls, lose and anger customers because they suddenly dropped half their workforce. In addition, if one really wanted to strike a blow: Such an employee would have plenty of free time, to do things like hang out near the company. And such a person could be very vocal to a potential new client, about how their former employee cannot keep it's word to an employee, so what kind of treatment will they give to someone that they would want to get every penny possible from...? You people are employees, not serfs, and you are only powerless if you LET YOURSELF BE. All it takes is the willingness to stand up for what is right.

"Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." -David Starr Jordan

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Also, as just a quick note: Hope you readers realize that you can post comments, discuss, etc...


Just a short post tonight, busy with domestic tasks....

Practice what you preach.
No hypocrisy, no complacency! Mean what you say, and fight for what you claim to believe in.
Good and evil are not black and white, there are shades of grey. But you still feel in your heart which is which, and should know the paths to take.
Embrace darkness as much as light. Both have something to teach. For example, sometimes evil only fears an equal.
Don't just stare into the abyss. Make the abyss blink first.