Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mmm, Cruelty...

So, the "Organic" and "Cruelty-Free" food craze amuses me. The Organic bit...okay, I can kinda see. But when it costs at least 66% more than the regular stuff, fuck that. "Cruelty Free" meats, though... Yeah, this concept is just ridiculous. Let me make this clear: This is an animal born and raised for the sole purpose of being kiled at the peak of it's health, and then chopped, sliced, and turned into food. If you think about it critically, raising a creature and making it as healthy as possible for the best yield from it's cruel. Not smacking it, shocking it, starving it, overfeeding it, whatever, doesn't make it any less cruel.

I love my meat. I am not going to stop eating it, and I am a very far cry from ever saying that eating meat is cruel. There are damned few animals I wouldn't eat except in the most dire consequences, and those are the ones I know personally and those that I've been told taste repulsive. I just say, let's have some damned honesty. You cannot go to the store and buy "cruelty free" meat.

"Here you go, cow. A beautiful pasture. A doctor to help ensure your health and well-being. The best of treats and food. Kindness, pleasure and contentment. Happy? Ecstatic? Good. Now, hold still and ignore this ax..."